We still, to this day, measure time by the influence of this One Solitary Life. Since His birth we see the yearly significance of his influence in a Latin abbreviation, attached to the end of any given year, that declares His soveriegn hold over time. Now every year is anno Domini, in the year of our Lord. So why does Jesus hold sway over time and history?
The answer lies in the question itself. Jesus holds sway over time and history because he also stands above time and history. His God-in-flesh uniqueness allows him to be the one who is both in and over these realities.

In Jesus, the divine and human forged an unbreakable bond by which the Creator would re-unite Himself with His creation. In Jesus, God would lift humanity from its bondage to death and decay and lift us into the glorious freedom of the adopted sons and daughters of Heaven.
The Cross captures the heart of humanity like nothing else because it solves the fundamental rupture between ourselves and our Originator. Sin disconnects us; it disenfranchises us from God's original plan. God's plan for us was to enjoy His life; to live life without limits. Sin, instead brings death and limits radically the life we were intended to enjoy. Sin and death rob us of the awareness of this plan; it limits our understanding of the scope and majesty of our divine destiny. An ancient sage declared it this way: He...has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
The signficance of Jesus is that He satifies the longing of the human heart. Jesus brings into clear view what was once clouded and opague because of our sin. We write about Him and mark our calenders by Him because who He is and what He has done captivates our minds and hearts at the deepest level and we can't get enough of Him!
I believe that deep in the heart of every person is a longing for someone that you can count on through thick and thin. Someone who is absolutely trustworthy. Someone who, if you put your faith in him, it will not be in vain, will not let you down, will always be there. We want it because we were made for it. I feel that God put man and woman in the Garden of Eden to glorify God by trusting Him for everything they needed.
That need has never changed, in spite of sin. Now that we are no longer in our sins, this longing too is satisfied by the resurrection of Jesus. The death of Jesus proves his love for us, and the resurrection proves his power over every enemy of life. Therefore, you can count on someone. Someone absolutely trustworthy. Someone who will never let you down. Jesus is alive to be trusted. "The life I live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20).
I thank God that He has made a legal cancellation of the legal guilt of the human family before the Law of God by giving of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ as our substitute, propitiation, and purchaser of our legal pardon. Without this legal provision, which Christ has provided for us, we cannot receive the Holy Spirit to indwell us and begin to transform us. I believe we can all become overcomers in the daily lifelong battle with sin by partaking in the Good News of Jesus Christ and following the life and principles of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I thank God for the provisions that He has made for me in my life; in addition to having a Pastor (that being you) that is capable, accomplished, proficient, and gifted with the Spirit & Word of God.
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